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with one’s back up
来自猫生气时将背弓起的形象  detail>>
back at one
回到原点 梦想成真 强烈推 依然守候你身旁 张的专辑 重新来过 注视你  detail>>
back one
向后一位  detail>>
be on one’s back
卧病,一筹莫展 卧病不起  detail>>
back up
(使)积压,(使)拥塞 策应者,后援 磁带备份,支持,预备 磁带备份,支援,预备 倒后退 倒退,支持 倒退,后退;支持,鼓励 堆积...  detail>>
to back up
支持  detail>>
up and back
前后站位 双打中一前一后的站法  detail>>
填充  detail>>
填充  detail>>
glued up back to back,
背靠背黏着  detail>>
one up
抢先一步的  detail>>
one up on
略胜...一筹, 比...占优势  detail>>
 adj.  〔口语〕胜人一筹的〔常用于短语 be one on ... 胜某人一筹〕。  vt.  (-upped, -uppi...  detail>>
back sand,back-up-sand
背砂  detail>>
support; back up; bolster up
撑腰  detail>>
back to square one
回到出发点 问题回到原态  detail>>
back two square one
扑水冤家  detail>>
be back to square one
退回起点, 从头再来  detail>>